Friday, July 29, 2011

Speedway Signs

Got pictures of signs down Speedway

I like this sign because of the Lobster.
This is a very generic looking health center, I parked my car there to look at the signs, I'm glad it didn't get towed.

This is a good example of Googie architecture, an architectural style of the late 1950's and early 1960's characterized by upsweeping roofs and star bursts. It was a product of a bygone era of optimism about the future, in a time when it seemed like man was blasting off into the stars and nuclear power was thing of mysticism. Unfortunately the style went away when Americans became less enthusiastic about the future and current specimens are being bulldozed over at an alarming rate. I've noticed Tucson has a lot of buildings that fall under this category and many are in a state of disrepair. Will we preserve the past of destroy it?

I like how we have a dense array of signs packed into this one strip. One thing about Speedway is that it's really packed, there's not much room on that street.

This is everything I would expect a 99 cent store to be.

The colors and fonts of this sign are spectacular.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

4th Ave

I got a few signs off of 4th ave again.

This was a sign for a very 'experimental' rock concert.

I like the look of brick during the night.

This pic was taken just a few feet from the one above.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Craycroft signs

This post is a day late because I didn't get around to posting these pics yesterday.

I wanted to get this sign for a while. I couldn't find it for the longest time till I happened to be driving down Craycroft. This sign screams I was made in the 60's, it hurts to live. Although classic, it could use some renovation.

This sign was in a very empty plaza. In it was a broken down RV with flat tires and the store its self was beside a closed down thrift store. Judging by the state of the lot, I was surprised the Toms was still hanging on.

This was a really empty car wash. At least until I walked closer in back there were two people washing their cars, but you could hardly tell except from an angle looking strait on.

They sell vacuums here.

This sign looks very sad against the dark cloudy sky with a lone pigeon making its nest up above. There were 4 cars getting liquor from this store when I walked by, business is booming at this place despite the presence of the Circle K 10 feet away which also sells beer.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Broadway on 4th of July weekend.

I got some more signs on Broadway. Wealth of signs on that road, and perhaps, the most diverse road in Tucson.

I've wanted to get Chuck's Uniforms for a while. I drive by there every time I go food shopping. Didn't know exactly what angle I wanted to take it from but I decided to go with my first decision and use this long shot of the sign.

Computer Connection is some sort of computer store. I haven't been in there before, so I don't really know what type of stuff they have. Can't tell if its an SWS style store or an "Ultimate Computer" type store.

Like Chuck's Uniforms this sign is also very plain and sun bleached.

This sign is actually the most attractive of this set. It looks well designed and has a very 50's feel to it.

I loved the shape of this sign.

This sign I had to walk a long ways to get, but I think it was worth it. I think it's the most defined one in this set with the sign practically glowing from the sun set and the clouds in the back ground.

Yay, taxes!

With this sign I actually took two pictures of, one across the street, which was too far and this one on my way back on the other side of the street.