Monday, June 27, 2011

North Oracle and Orange Grove

Got a few more pictures from the north west side of town. You'll notice something in a few of these pictures: Clouds. Hopefully the monsoon season should be picking up soon.

You can see a few of these fireworks stands across Tucson. They're not legal to light them off in city limits, but you can buy them in city limits. They guys in the shop thought I was Australian because of my "accent" I don't know where that came from, never heard any one say that. It's especially strange because I've never been to Australia. Although I did know a student studying abroad from Australia last year.

This is a car wash right beside the fireworks stand. Not much to note aside from its crippling mundaneness.

This is the first of my North Oracle and Orange Grove signs. This one is especially unique because it is spherical. Also note the developing clouds in the back ground.

I took a lot of signs in the same plaza as this slot machine sign, but this was the one that stood out the most.

Another Eegee's sign. It's strange that all the signs for Eegee's are so different across different restaurants. I suppose the franchise doesn't have a very consistent style.

For this sign I had to Jay-walk to get to. There's been a lot of jay walking in this project.

1 comment:

  1. Agree, had no idea the Eegee's signs were all different! And the Z ball sign is really unique!! Never saw that one before!!! Yeah, for monsoon season! Be careful out there in this heat!
